Becky Stern
Becky was raised on the East Coast. She and her husband, Terry, retired
to Cody in 2000 after owning a house here for four years. They spent many
years fishing around the West, always coming back to Cody. At first, they
divided their time between Sarasota, Fla., and Cody, but after realizing
that they were not really part of either community, they came to live
here permanently. They have two children: a son, Charles, and a daughter,
Caroline, and two grandsons.
Becky attended Vassar College. Before and after their marriage 49 years ago, Becky worked in advertising. After her children were older, she was the administrative assistant at two thoroughbred breeding and racing operations. For many years she also served as the president of the board of the oldest Audubon Sanctuary in the United States. She presently also serves on the Yellowstone Behavioral Health Center Foundation board.
She and her husband live on the upper South Fork relish the beauty, the wildlife and the serenity. They both enjoy fishing, photography and cooking.